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Showing posts from January, 2013

Holy Water Used to Dedicate New Sancturary

Dedication Service of new sanctuary of Mzuzu UMC On Sunday we commemorated the Baptism of Jesus on the second Sunday of Epiphany. Rev. John Culp preached on water and remembering your baptism. I celebrated the blessings of being in a new sanctuary while reminding the congregation to not forget their beginnings and humble roots. Together, John and I along with Pastor Copeland Nkhata, dedicated the new sanctuary and community center in Mzuzu, accompanied by jubilant singing and dancing in the Spirit, as if the members were full of new wine.  John sprinkled water on congregants from Reagan's Well--named after his granddaughter who at 5 1/2 survived cancer diagnosis--with the words "remember your baptism."   We used the same village well water to sprinkle on the doorposts on the new Hope Scholarship House which we dedicated after the worship service.   We've awarded 45 Hope Scholarships since 2007! Hope Scholars in front of Hope House Dedication ...

New Mzuzu UMC Sanctuary to be dedicated today

Dear Friends of Mzuzu and WorldHope Corps: Greetings on the Lord's Day from the Warm Heart of Africa.  I'm here in Mzuzu with Rev. John Culp and eight of his mission team members for 10 days in Malawi. John raised $65,000 last year to build the new sanctuary of Mzuzu UMC (our friend Copeland Nkhata's church) which we will dedicate today. Then we'll go to see the new Hope Scholarship House, and pray, bless and dedicate it for its intend use (to provide scholarships and support to vulnerable youth who want to stay in secondary school or get vocational training).  Many of you contribute the $30,000 we raised to build this House of Hope in Mzuzu. (Photos to follow in my blog tomorrow). Yesterday we had a wonderful shalom training day under a tent in Luwinga Lodge (where we all are staying).  See my blog post today. An then out see some village wells tomorrow and Tuesday. I'll hope you'll follow this week's activities and reflections on http://michae...

Nazarene pastor in Mzuzu could use some help

Pastor Mhango, Church of the Nazarne Nazarene Pastor Mhango, who led the singing for our shalom training today, and serves on the Mzuzu Shalom Committee in Malawi, needs a new roof on his brick house in Mzuzu.  I mean a whole new roof for his parsonage that his church cannot afford. All it will take is $450 and he and his family will know they are loved and not forgotten by the world.   Just putting it out there for any of my Nazarene friends to consider. I preached in his church, and its truly one of the poorest and most spirited congregations I have been in. Last time I was in Malawi we helped him install two latrines for the church.  This year his family could use some help. On  Sunday we will dedicate the new Mzuzu United Methodist Church sanctuary.  If we can help Pastor Nkhata build his church we can also help Pastor Mhango with his roof. Let me know if you want to help and I'll let him know.