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Showing posts from August, 2017

Mission Trip 2017--Ready to go!

Dennis Singini, Michelle Robbins and Michael Christensen display Shalom Coffee "I have come that you might have life more abundantly, life in all its fullness..."  --Jesus in the Gospel of John Michele Robbins, Doug Smith, Dennis Singini, Baamu Moses and Michael Christensen are preparing to spend two weeks in Uganda and Malawi on WorldHope Corp's 10th Mission Trip. We'll be conducting HIV/AIDS consultations, meeting with Fair-Trade Shalom Coffee Coop board, doing Shalom Training and Graduation, dedicating a new village well (sponsored by the Ocean Beach Bible Study and Point Loma United Methodist Church), and holding two Women's Empowerment events in Uganda and Malawi (Sept 25-Oct 7, 2017.  Please for us and continue to support the mission at Shalom Training Graduation 2013 Nearly every year since 2008, WorldHope Corps has sent a Mission Team to Malawi and/or Uganda to support our partners in their ministries of compassion, ...