Post elections present opportunities to re-prioritize how to spend one's life, re-commit to important causes, re-affirm higher values and make a brand new start. On this first day after a decisive national election, when the future seems uncertain, I propose a simple action that could change your life. I signed and made an important pledge today in support of a worldwide movement to end extreme poverty and global AIDS in my lifetime. And I invite you to do so as well.
An impossible goal, you say? Perhaps. But suspend your disbelief for a moment and read on. Consider the possibilities. Dare to believe what could happen when critical mass of people of faith, good will and commited action are mobilized and deployed in the Name of God and Spirit of Christ. A critical mass of people of good will whose faith "is the substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not (yet) seen." (Hebrews 11:1)
Go to WWW.ONE.ORG "The Campaign to Make Poverty History."
Read the ONE DECLARATION signed by over 2 million people.
See why so many world Christians, people of good will, and faith-based organizations have joined the movement. Perhaps you will join us in this new and positive campaign. Each of us doing our part. Electing and supporting only those leaders and politicians that seek to follow and be faithful to the homeless Rabbi who opened the scroll of Isaiah 61 in the temple and declared that he has come to bring good news to the poor...and proclaim the year of Jubilee.
ONE.ORG was started by my favorite rock star--Bono of U2. Bono is also my favorite preacher. If you missed what Jim Wallis calls "his best sermon yet' last year at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C., then here's link:
Go there and read it for yourself. May Bono's prophetic words, and the Spirit of Jesus, move you today to take commited action in behalf of the world's poor, especially in caring for the AIDS orphans and widows in Africa.
"For true religion, pure and simple, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unpolluted by the world." (James 1:27)