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Mission Accomplished!

Here's a summary of our March Malawi Mission Goals and Objectives fulfilled:

Goal #1: Provided practical help, offered relational support, and raised hope for the future in northern Malawi through humanitarian assistance, relational/recreational activities and service projects with vulnerable children, youth and extended families in some of the 40 social service and medical institutions supported by CitiHope International.

Goal #2: Provided leadership and resources for implementation of PACCT program by hosting and facilitating CitiHope’s second curriculum development workshop (PACCT II) for selected women in leadership roles (pastors’ wives, guild leaders, lay leaders) and continued process of developing curriculum for training manual.

Objectives: Engaged in daily mission activities with CitiHope staff and ministry partners focused on food security, medical aid, HIV/AIDS training in congregations, HopeHomes for AIDS orphans, and a village well community development project.

In fulfilling these goals and objectives, our mission group of 10 plus two local staff was divided into three teams, each focused on a number of objectives. The teams interacted and came together on many days to mutually fulfill some objectives. Total community-based organizations visited: 17. Total beneficiaries: 1700+

Team A (Michael, Josie and Gabriel) focused on facilitating PACCT II at Mphatso Motel and Conference Center.

Team B (Clarissa, Libby, Kristen, Martha and Dennis) focused on the mutual encouragement and relational support of children and youth (and physically disabled) in the distribution of hygiene kits, school supplies, recreational materials and other donated products for selected beneficiary institutions in CitiHope’s network.

Team C (Don, Dennis, Trinity and Monique) visited Livingstonia over a weekend, engaged in relational support for the Presbyterian mission, and assessed a village well proposed project.

All three teams visited hospital wards, AIDS clinics, orphan care centers, nursery schools, prisons and churches for relationship building and ‘reverse mission’.

Specific team activities and accomplishments included:

1. Assembled and distributed 1000 hygiene kits using products donated by Colgate-Palmolive, knitting materials supplied by United Methodists, recreational supplies and other donated products to three orphan care centers, three schools, three hospitals, two prisons, and two community-based organizations (a school for the blind and a center for persons with disabilities), which have or will receive food aid.

2. Offered pastoral care and useful products (diaper bags, baby bottles, hygiene supplies, etc) to expectant mothers, recent mothers and HIV patients in three hospital wards and clinics.

3. Helped to feed over 500 orphans (toddlers thru teenagers) their daily meal, and led them in recreational, artistic and educational activities.

4. Presented FOMCO (orphaned) youth with specially-designed soccer shirts and shorts, and challenged them to a soccer match (Team CitiHope lost).

5. Assessed two village well projects for CitiHope and Hopegivers to consider in Mosanto and Kamphenda (Samaritan Wells?)

6. Conducted 3-day PACCT curriculum development workshop for 25 women in leadership roles in Presbyterian, Methodist and Assembly of God churches in northern Malawi.

7. Visited historic Livingstonia--the 19th century Scottish Presbyterian mission work of David Livingstone and Robert Laws, toured the hospital and observed current mission programs; led Bible study with students attending University of Livingstonia; preached at the Livingstonia Presbyterian Church and delivered official greetings from Central Presbyterian Church in Summit (Don Wahlig).

8. Attended Mzuzu UMC, preached (Rev. Christensen) and delivered official greetings from UMC of Green Village (Rev. Clarissa Holland.

9. Attended St Andrews Presbyterian Church, preached (Rev. Christensen), and prayed pastor and elders.

10. Met and interacted with youth at Kang’ona Church, United Methodist Church, Viyele Church and Livingstonia church.

See previous Travel Blogs for more details.

Specific CitiHope outcomes:

1. Confirmed reception of proportional share of 75MT of USAID emergency food product at selected beneficiary institutions.

2. Finalized PACCT II content and schedule with resource team (Professor Chimombo, Dr. Gaston, Mrs. Kamanga, Mrs. Kumwenda, Mrs. Ngosi and Dr. Yu).

3. Conducted PACCT II Workshop at Mphatso Motel and Conference Center for 25 women in leadership; affirmed the significance of their involvement in the program by issuing training certificates, PACCT Women’s Guild badges, and ladies' gifts and glamour products.

4. Evaluated program and reviewed draft training manual with Professor Chimombo, Dr. Gaston and Dr. Yu. Began preparation for next two training workshops: PACCT III in July for youth leaders (including having a mobile VCT unit); and PACCT IV for all three groups--pastors, women in leadership and youth leaders—in order to formally launch the PACCT program in the various sectors).

5. Interviewed applicants for staff positions: Medical Program Assistant and PACCT Program Coordinator.

6. Interacted with Pastor, congregation and the 26 orphaned and abandoned children adopted by the United Methodist Church (HopeHome #2), and discussed next phase and budget for development

7. Visited Kamphenda area of new development for CCAP and received proposal from Synod Church and Society for collaboration in implementing a Village Well project.

8. Preached and taught in two churches in Mzuzu about mutual ministry and breaking the cycle of dependency based on how Jesus fed and healed people in the Gospels: St Andrews Presbyterian and the United Methodist Church.

9. Located and secured a Mission Hospitality House for short-term mission volunteers and negotiated 3yr lease agreement.

10. Challenged Mission Team members to take on specific development projects.

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