In partnership with DaySpring International, CitiHope procured requested medicines and medical supplies from pharmaceutical donors, and placed them directly in the hands of doctors, nurses, clinicians and pharmacists in northern Malawi.
Working with the government Ministry of Health, the Livingstonia Synod’s hospital at Ekwendene, Taiwan Medical Mission at Mzuzu General Hospital, and other medical program co-sponsors, CitiHope was able to select, procure, ship, safeguard, deliver and monitor [over $2 million] of essential medicines and medical supplies for the improved health of approximately [12,000] targeted beneficiaries at 17 pre-qualified hospitals and clinics, including 3 district Hospitals and 10 out-patient clinics in the rural north.
In sharing the program cost and value of this major medical assistance program, Dayspring International (as well as World Children's Fund and Hopegivers International) have provided $1,000,000 worth of medicine for 12,000 patients in Malawi.
Additionally, DaySpring funded CitiHope's PACCT program which trained and equipped over 50 pastors and church leaders in dealing with AIDS issues and caring for HIV patients in the congregations.