Brother Michael,
Sweet regards. Last month we had a more wonderful and awesome picnic with 60 children in attendance their faces beaming with joy and hope. To add more flavor we had 22 foster parents in attendance. We meant to engage them in prayer as a key factor to working out the future of the OVC. We woo them to Christ by this grand fellowship.
Allow me to make some highlights
1. Our hope home group is still at 35 children officially but the actual numbers have grown very high. Our last picnic was attended by 60 children but we can't buy maize for all of them, because its above our budget. However we allow the picnic numbers to be growing because it is away of nurturing young souls for the kingdom. I do believe that when we have given them enough grounding, later Christ will be formed in them. It is my prayer that God will give you sufficient grace to continue to support us in this godly enterprise so that we can preserve some lives for Christ Jesus.
2. We have six branches in total under UMC Mzuzu circuit: Zowe, Masasa, Kavuzi, Chitimba, Bale and Mzuzu itself all have orphans that need help in terms of food and school fees and sundry. When we enter the new fiscal year we will submit more details in our proposal or when you come in March.
3. Thanks for your continued commitment for anothe Village Well. The month of March is ok. The community leaders phoned me this morning asking for the drilling of the borehore since they are desperate for clean water.
4. We gladly welcome you and the whole team for 9-11 March. We are also ready to participate in the PACCT programme.

Please continue to be part of us in prayer and financial succour. The results of your labours will surely come out in an awesome fashion at God's own time as he works out the future of the vulnerable social group through your generosity.