Today was a sad day for some of our team members who visited a young mother with AIDS who sent her infants with a friend to FOMCO Orphan Care Center for their daily meal. Her small house nearby has only a partial roof with gaping holes where the rain falls down in puddles. And only a dirt floor where she and her two little girls must sleep with a simple blanket. It rained today and she's too sick to move, and it was just awful. Bob, who found her, didn't know what to do for her. No medicine, only food. How can a family live in a hut with no roof and sleep on a wet muddy floor? Hearing Bob tell the story made me cry...
In the afternoon, the team visited the prisoners to encourage them. I'll leave it to another to tell that story.
Tomorrow we're going out to check on one of the village wells tomorrow. That should be a joyful trip to meet villagers who now have fresh clean water in their village when before there was none.
Team News: I don't feel sick anymore, but Robby now has a fever. We all are still going strong. Chappy has been shopping for our staff cook, Taxan, and making good recipe suggestions. We have really been eating well, lots of greens, and balanced diet. Stacy has taken the lead in distributing school supplies, photo gifts, yarn donations (from Libby and Clarissa) and doing great with all the kids. Bob and Don participated with me today in the PACCT Training event and were very well received. Don and Sarah will leave tomorrow for Lilongwe and JoBurg for other ministry tasks in South Africa. The rest of us will visit the village of Zowe to check on a new CitiHope well.
P.S. Libby, we delivered your yarn and school supplies to the orphans and their guardians at FOMCO today. They each were so eager to get their share and it made them so happy to receive this valued donation. Thank you!