INCOME MK139,000
Tuition and Exam fees MK133000.00
Food 11000.00
Transport 1500.00
Internet 4000.00
Grand Total Expenditure MK149500.00
NOTE: MK10,500.00 is local contribution to make up for the over expenditure
It is our joy to extend our gratitude to the Citihope office – Malawi, Citihope office USA and also Rev. Michael Christensen who jointly stand behind the success of the Hope Homes and Hope Scholarship program.
It is also praise worthy as we report that:
1. Mababazo chilembwe has passed and been awarded a Certificate in Financial Accounting and now admitted into the 1st stage of Diploma in Accounting.
2. Ellen Mhone has passed and is awarded a Certificate in Business Management ABE – UK with a Distinction in Accounting. She also has done a 2nd Diploma in Marketing. These paper have enabled her to pick up a good job with a big company at a good salary from 1st July 2008.
These two are outstanding success stories in the Hope Scholarship program.
There are more success stories among our students who are continuing with Diploma course in Marketing, Accounting and Business Management. As soon as they complete, I will give you a full update.
The other group of students are pending Form 4 examinations towards the end of this year. And we are expecting a string successes. You will be surprised with the abundance of fruit from this scholarship. Keep us in your prayers as we send to Heaven our deepfelt joy for your wholesome financial succour.
Special vote of thanks to Paul Moore Jr. and Rev Michael Christensen who have thrown their unfathomable weight of support to the birthing and thriving of this program at our church. Many souls have been blessed and made to survive through the food and the scholarships.
Regards from
Leaster Mhone Peter Botha Darlison Nyirenda Pastor Copeland Nkhata
(Administration) (Secretary) (Treasurer) (Coordinator)