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New Shalom Zone in Haiti Needs Prayer and Support

Mizak Haiti Shalom Zone 
is still in need of the basics:  nutritional food and temporary shelter.  Currently trying to access available provisons in Port-au-Prince, but there are many logistical obstacles.  Pre-packaged food, tarps and tents are being purchased by mission volunteers who are traveling to Mizak, Haiti on February 20.  Let's pray for and support them, as we're able.




Community of Shalom Site Profile

Site Coordinator:
Paul Prevost (Haiti), This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Valerie Mossman-Celestin (US),
  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Site Description:Mizak is a mountainous, rural communal section of the Ridore commune consisting of 23 localities (“zones”), situated in the South-East department of Haiti, 80 km south of Port-au-Prince and 12 km west of Jacmel.

The total population is just over 35,000. 70% are peasants living under the poverty level of less than $1 US per day. 63% of the population is under the age of 18.

No hospital or doctor. No opportunities for adult education/training or training beyond highschool. No jobs, electricity, telecommunication, plumbing, or water filtration.

Agriculture is the main—and unreliable—source of livelihood. The majority of households have no measurable income; rely on system of barter and trade. This does not pay tuition or health care. Families extremely vulnerable to any emergency situation or a bad crop.

Adolescents and young adults are emigrating to Port-au-Prince or Dominican Republic. They often fall into delinquency or prostitution because of lack of marketable skills and massive unemployment rates. Women travel long distances to market agricultural goods and may fall victim to rape/theft in the marketplace, or victim of unsafe transportation. They lose profit in transportation costs and also lose family time.

Since the earthquake, they live in daily fear.

Primary Focus: Key strategies include a focus on ‘people, planet, profit’ throughout our programming areas, gender equality, and education of principles & values that undergird a healthy community.

Mission Statement:There will be 3 shalom sites within the geographic span of Mizak. Haitian Artisans for Peace International (HAPI) is the implementing partner.

HAPI is ‘encouraging creativity, promoting gender equality, creating economic opportunity, and growing healthy communities’ towards our vision of Living out Christ in community for a world of peace with justice.

Programs:The Shalom Site programs have yet to be determined as we have not yet begun the training with community partners. We anticipate them to fall within the parameters of HAPI’s mission, vision and strategies with an expanded emphasis on educational opportunities and local job creation. These areas will be essential in light of the earthquake and devastation to Port-au-Prince.

Partnerships:We are in the process of identifying the partners, but anticipate ecumenical participation from local churches, participation with CASEC (the local civic body), peasant associations, local radio station, and potentially other nonprofit or NGOs

  • Anticipated Outcomes:Increase the number of households living above $2 per day
    Empowerment of women & girls (education, employment, community involvement)
    Reduce emigration to other areas for higher education and jobs
    Improved health indicators (maternal mortality, 0-5 mortality)
    Nurturing environment: spiritual & creative
In January 2010, HAPI became a recognized "Shalom Zone" with the Communities of Shalom of Drew University.
For more information visit

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