Shalom Training Track
at Christian Community Development Association
National Conference Nov. 11-12th, 2015
Every year, over 4,000
faith-motivated, justice-driven, community ministry leaders gather for the
Christian Community Development Association's national conference. This
year we're in Memphis for CCDA.
In behalf of Communities of Shalom, a
member organization, I am pleased to invite you to four
events at CCDA in Memphis on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 11-12th,
Lunch Session for trainers
Practical Workshop on repurposing church
and See a Shalom Site
in Memphis
Shalom Training
Consultation for community
Here are the details:
NETWORKING LUNCH FOR TRAINERS : Support and Resources for Trainers wanting to offer Asset
Based Community Development Training. Hosted by Dr. Michael J.
Christensen, former International Director, Communities of Shalom, Drew
University, current training consultant at NorthwindInstitute. All
Shalom, ABCD and CCDA, and other trainers welcome. Bring your own lunch and
meet other trainers. Thursday, Noon-1pm at
the Memphis Cook Convention Center
WORKSHOP FOR PRACTIONERS: How to re-purpose a traditional church
building? “Transforming Aging
Church Properties and Shrinking Congregations into Neighborhood
Assets” Presenters: Shalom Church Redevelopment Team:
Jim Bergdoll, Michael J. Christensen, and Amy Moritz. Thursday 1:30 and 3:15pm at the Memphis Cook Convention Center.
Go & See: Visit The Commons hosted
by the Binghamton Community Development Team. Meet Amy Moritz, Executive Director of the Center for
Transforming Communities, and learn how a vital community center was built on the old foundations of a
former church building. And how a new prophetic congregation emerged from asset
based community development ministry in the neighborhood. Thursday & Friday, 12:00pm - 5:30pm.
Onsite Shalom Training
Consultation: Meet
with the Shalom Church Redevelopment Team at CCDA. For our schedule,contact
Also: Take the Shalom Online Course: “Stepping Up from Charity to Sustainable Community Development--Six
Threads of S-H-A-L-O-M” which covers the distinctive, faith-based, “shalom zone
approach” to economic community development in urban neighborhoods and rural
areas. Offered by!communities-of-shalom/tu4ga
To Register for CCDA at
Communities of Shalom Group Rate, contact
Communities of Shalom is an organizational
member of CCDA, and you may register through CoS at the group member rate:
$209 for the three-day event. And here's a link for earning continuing education units for the Shalom
Track at CCDA from Northwind Institute:!ceu/jn3rh
11-14, 2015
North Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103
North Main Street, Memphis TN
38103 Phone:(1)(901) 527-7300
For information on the CCDA National Conference
2015 in Memphis, visit website:
I hope to see you there!
Still seeking the Shalom
of the Community where I have been sent,
Michael J. Christensen,
Shalom Church
Redevelopment Team
Communities of