Summary: During 2010, WorldHope Corps through Mzuzu United Methodist Church in Malawi fed, clothed and supported over 100 orphaned and vulnerable children in Malawi (Hope Homes), educated 26 youth who otherwise could not complete High School (Hope Scholarships), graduated the first class of 8 and trained a second class of 12 young seamstresses (Hope Tailoring School), and put in three more village wells (for a total of 12) providing safe drinking water to over 10,000 people in remote areas. In addition, we were able to provide emergency food, tarps, tents, supplies, and medical relief for victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Other special projects in Uganda (Home Medical Clinic) and Ethiopia (3 Hope Scholarships for orphaned youth) were supported.
Orphan Care: The HopeHome program in Mzuzu, Malawi, began in 2007 by Mzuzu United Methodist Church. In 2008, in addition to providing $1000/month for its operation, WHC raised $1,500 to replace the roof on thatched wood church building in Mzuzu that fed and cared for 60 orphans and vulnerable children. We also raised $500 to pay the rent on a house for a single mother with AIDS and her two daughters until she died. In 2009, a $20,000 grant from the United Methodist Global Health Fund was secured to help run the HopeHome program at the Mzuzu United Methodist Church for another year. In 2010, the HopeHome orphan care program assisted over 100 orphaned and vulnerable children who live within 1km of the Mzuzu Methodist Church.
Provide educational assistance: In 2008, 15 Hope scholarships and educational assistance were provide for eligible orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) in the HopeHome program. In 2009, 19 students were assisted by WHC sponsors. In 2010, 26 youth received Hope Scholarships for secondary school and college. We are hoping to find enough sponsors to support these same 26 Hope Scholarship recipients in 2011.
Economic Development: In 2009, WHC responded to local proposals for program sustainability in Malawi through micro-financing and venture capital for three new economic enterprises: Hope Tailoring School, a poultry business. A $20,000 sustainability grant was received from United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to fund these enterprises in order to sustain the HopeHomes and Hope Scholarship programs in Mzuzu, Malawi. In 2010, the sustainability grant successfully established the Hope Tailoring School as an income-generating, vocational training venture that graduated two classes for a total of 20 young women, and then helped them capitalize and launch their sewing services and seamstress businesses. A third class of 10 are currently in the 12 month program and will graduate in May, 2011. Additionally, funds were leveraged to produce a business plan for a poultry business and to start a piglet project in community.
Village Wells: In 2007-2008, WHC raised funds and facilitated 6 village well projects for CitiHope International in northern Malawi. In 2009, WHC funded and facilitated three more village wells. In 2010, we installed the next three wells for a total of 12 toward our goal of 20 village wells in northern Malawi. New village wells are being sponsored for 2011.
Special Projects: A WHC Mission Team in 2007 pooled their resources and found a way to fix the leaks on the roof of the small brick quarters where 200+ orphans were fed at the FOMCO orphan care center in Malawi. Then, in 2008, friends of WHC raised $2,000 in 10 days to replace the roof on the HopeChurch in Mzuzu that had been stolen by thieves during a rain storm! In 2009, WorldHope Corps donors contributed $8,500 to put a new roof on a new medical clinic--St George Hope Heath Centre in Uganda--before the rains came. In 2010, WorldHope Corps responded to the Haitian Earthquake by facilitating emergency medical aid for Haitian victims through CitiHope from its base in DR, and provided tents and tarps for over 500 children the Shalom Zone in Mizak, Haiti. We also funded school fees for three orphaned youth in Ethiopia through the Nazarene Mission Center in Addis Ababa.
Partners in Ministry: WHC is committed to international partners in fulfilling its humanitarian mission of relief and community development. Our ministry partners in northern Malawi include: the Mzuzu Circuit of the United Methodist Church (UMC), Central Church of Africa, Presbyterian (CCAP), and Communities of Shalom. Our ministry partner in Uganda is Sustainable Action for Rural Sector (SARS) in the Kibaale District, Hoima, Uganda. Our ministry partner in Belarus is CitiHope International with whom we sponsored $200,000 in medical aid for the Children of Chernobyl. Also, through CitiHope in 2010 we sponsored food and medical aid in Haiti through CitiHope. Together--WorldHope Corps, its ministry partners in the field, and international donors and sponsors, provided over $250,000 in humanitarian relief and development in three countries in 2009-2010.
Mission Trips: Dr. Michael J. Christensen, founder of WorldHope Corps, has organized and led annual mission trips to Malawi since 2005. In July, 2010, ten Malawi Mission Trip volunteers assisted with orphan care, recreational activities, Hope Tailoring School, and monitoring village well projects. The next Mission Trip to Malawi for donors scheduled for May 2010.