WorldHope Corps Celebrates the following students in the Second Classs who graduated from the Hope Tailoring School in Mzuzu in 2010:
Agness is married with two children. Her husband is not working. This implies that both the husband and wife have no trusted source of income. The tailoring skills Agnes has acquired will help her to finance the family through some the tailoring business.
She is a single mother of three children. Some of her children are attending high school education. Hannah has no trusted means of sourcing funds for her children’s school fees. However Hannah is a vibrant woman at the church. The tailoring school skills acquired will help her to plant a tailoring business that will generate income for their single parent family and send the children to school.
The death of violet’s husband left her with pain. She has five children. Hannah is not employed and doesn’t have a reliable source of income. The children need food, and basic needs and more especially school fees for them succeed in life. However Violet has no solution to the said needs. She acquired some tailoring skills that will help her to try to suffice the said needs for her and for the children.
Towera is married with three children. Both the husband and the wife have no source of income. For a long time they faced untold problems to raise money to feed the family. Realizing that this is a difficult task, Towera enrolled for the tailoring school. She believes that the skills acquired will help her to source money through the tailoring business to finance the family.
Phalles is a single mother of three children. Without a husband needs to provide to her children all the basic needs. Unfortunately, Phalles is not employed. She doesn’t have a trusted source of income. This means that she has no where to get the needs of the children from. Enrollment in the Hope tailoring School was a relief to her. She intends to use the tailoring skills to introduce a tailoring business to source funds to suffice the family.
She is married with three children. Both the wife and the husband are not employed and have no source of income. Enrollment in the Hope tailoring School was saving a sinking ship as she will be using the tailoring skills to plant a tailoring business so that they can suffice the family.
Linda is married with two children. She would use the skills acquired from the tailoring school to finance the family. She would also contribute effectively in the development of the church, the community and the country.
Lyness is a single mother of two children. She is not employed and has no trusted source of income. Enrolment in the hope tailoring school was the down of hope for Lyness. She would use the skills to establish a tailoring business so that she can finance her family

GOOD NEWS about two graduates from the First Class:
Towera Hannah and Gift Manda have bought their own machines and are currently running small tailoring business. Their dreams are being accomplished.